
发布时间:2024-11-28 04:17:23     来源:北京市教育委员会

佛山顺德区夜场KTV公司招聘男模/外场模特-教育委员-+Q:-:4397301:-:底薪5000-10000以上,可日结/周结/月结,详情咨询了解:-:{中国青年报客户端讯(中青报・中青网记者 李悦 傅瑞)“中日两国年轻人是能够克服我们之间的历史问题、创造未来的一代。”近日,日本前首相鸠山由纪夫在2024中国国际友好城市大会接受中青报・中青网记者采访时说,年轻人是中日关系的希望所在,青年一代不仅要在教育和文化交流中学习与反思两国的历史,还要在面对现实挑战时,为改善两国关系寻找新的可能性。 Exclusive Interview with Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama: "Overcoming Sino-Japanese Historical Issues Relies on the Youth" "The young people of China and Japan are the generation capable of overcoming our historical issues and creating the future," said former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama in a recent interview at the 2024 China International friendship Cities Conference. He spoke to reporters from China Youth Daily, emphasizing that the youth hold the hope for Sino-Japanese relations. The younger generation should not only learn about and reflect on the history of both countries through education and cultural exchanges but also seek new possibilities for improving bilateral relations when facing current challenges. (Li Yue and Fu Rui/China Youth Daily)}